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Meditation Magazine Articles

What follows are articles from Meditation Magazine for which I was the co-founding Executive Editor. Enjoy them!

Jon Anderson
Are you a fan of the progressive rock band Yes? Here is an insightful exclusive interview with the band’s founding member, composer and lead singer, Jon Anderson. In this fascinating article, we learn about how his masterful song-writing has been influenced by Divine Mother, Paramahansa Yogananda, extra terrestrial life, Earth Mother, and aboriginal wisdom. From the Fall 1990 issue of Meditation Magazine. Enjoy!

December 31, Ushering in Peace on Earth through Positive Energy:
An Interview with John Price
Many of you have heard about the world-wide meditation that occurs each year the December 31 at noon Greenwich time. Do you know about its origins initiated by John and Jan Price, the first one being in 1986. I interviewed John Price for Meditation Magazine in the Winter issue of 1986 just before the first one that estimated 500 million participants world-wide. Having promoted the first event and participating in a group of 1,000 people, I have kept an eye on these consciousness gatherings over the years and participated in many. From my observation, they continued but with much smaller numbers. This year, I’ve seeing a huge increase in promotion and interest, perhaps because of the great need now for peace and healing for our planet and our people. This is a fascinating interview with powerful implications. The first December 31 meditation was also meant as a precursor to the even larger world-wide event on August 17th 1987: The Harmonic Convergence. It was predicted that following these world-wide consciousness gatherings that there would be great changes in our world. It was predicted that peace would break out and long-time institutions of oppression would fall. Here’s a bit of what happened within the 6 years following:

  1. The Berlin Wall came down.
  2. Many authoritarian regimes crumbled including 100s of thousands chanting “Freedom” in the streets of the former country of Czechoslovakia.
  3. The end of the Soviet Union and with it the cold war.
  4. Headlines in newspapers—“Peace has broken out all over the world.”

The message, which I have held true for decades is that when enough people gather together in consciousness for positive change, so will the world and all its inhabitants. Someone may argue that the peace didn’t last. Of course the U.S. found new enemies to fight with especially in the Mideast. Ironic that they weren’t enemies (at least not war enemies) until we no longer had the Soviet Union to deal with. In any case, there is much evidence that our collective consciousness is the most powerful tool we have. So, how about more world-wide mediation/prayer events to create positive change and healing?
Here’s a quote from the article by John Price concerning the idea of reaching critical mass to create peace on earth that I find inspiring: “According to the Hopi Indians, ‘one thousand sundanced enlightened teachers’ will totally awaken in their dream/mind bodies…and when they do, the rainbow lights will be seen all over the world. Those rainbow-light dreams will awaken the rest of humanity.”

Sri Kriyananda knowing oneself
In this article, Sri Kriyanda talks about his relationship with the famous Indian Saint, Yogananda (author of An Autobiography of a Yogi), the spiritual path, Kriya Yoga, and practicing the presence of God. Published in 1990 in Meditation Magazine and interviewed by David Alan Ramsdale.

A Five-Step Method [to Meditation]
Published in the fifth edition of Meditation Magazine, this article presents a balanced meditation form using techniques from many different meditative paths. We invite you to give it a try and let us know if it is helpful to your meditation practice. You can also find many powerful guided meditations and exercises at this link:

Robert Bly on The Three Brains 
We are seeing more fear in the world than there has been in a very long time, yes? In this article written for Meditation Magazine, Robert Bly explains the three-brain theory, how fear is governed by the reptilian brain, and how we can develop and expand the neo cortex or “new brain,” which sees the larger picture, produces solutions, and of which we use less than one hundredth of its power.

Native American Prophecy
If you weren’t around and studying metaphysics or Native American Philosophy and practice in the 1970s and 80s, then you’ve probably never heard of Sun Bear. But, if you were, then you would know him to be one of the most respected Shamanic Teachers of past generations. This article talks about prophecies, and although many of the particulars of our global challenges are different now, the message remains the same: We must come into balance with ourselves and Mother Earth! This article, published in Meditation Magazine in 1991 points out that a “good prophecy” doesn’t happen if people do something about it, and that times of great challenge are also times when ancient wisdom comes forth to heal and triumph over challenges.

The Warrior Sage: Stewart Wilde’s Alternative Metaphysics
Stewart Wilde was an empowering teaching in my life when I was learning about personal power. This article is based on my experiencing his Warriors Wisdom week-long intensive in 1989. As the article states, this is not a teaching I recommend for those wanting to develop compassion. But, if personal power is your growing edge and you already have a good dose of compassion or another source for developing it, then Stewart’s perspective will be a huge model for you, as it was for me. Mr. Wilde is no longer with us on the physical plane, but his teachings live on through his writing and the legacy he left through his intensives. The article was published in Meditation Magazine in Winter of 1990.

Children and Meditation
Are you, or do you know anyone, who have children doing school from home, or simply have children? If, so please circulate this article to make life easier for parents and enlightening for children. This very instructional piece offers practical guided meditations for children to enhance learning, inspire peace, and facilitate healthy personal growth. This article was written by Rev. Patricia Bloomfield and published in the second issue of Meditation Magazine way back in 1986.

Kundalini Rising
I interviewed Swami Chetanananda in 1989 for Meditation Magazine. The article is entitled Kundalini Rising. Swami describes the subtleties of raising kundalini and avoiding the trappings of walking the spiritual path.

One View of … Vipassana
Think now is a good time to tune in, get centered, and use your own body sensations to arrive at place of deep peace? This seminal interview with Shinzen Young clarifies and offers instruction in Vipassana Buddhist practice. Interviewed by Charlene Szymusiak and published in the very first issue of Meditation Magazine in 1985.

Dalia Lama Quest for Compassion
Have you noticed there seems to be a bit (a lot) of anger, frustration, and blaming out there in social media lately? This article on the “Dalai Lama: Quest for Compassion” masterfully addresses how to deal with anger and also how to address injustice. Written by our staff writer Mary Ann Wilson in the September 91 issue of Meditation Magazine.

Robin Williams Acting for the Homeless
Here’s a really cool article on “Robin Williams: Acting for the Homeless” that I co-wrote with Mary Ann Wilson for Meditation Magazine in 1991. With a rapidly expanding homeless population, this message is more timely than ever. And if you haven’t seen the movie referenced in the article “The Fisher King,” do yourself a favor and check it out. It’s a masterfully crafted fable about compassionate action. Think we could use a little more of that in our world?

Kyla: Just Another Fairy Tale
I would love to get your take on the moral of this short story I wrote in 1990 for Meditation Magazine called Kyla: Just Another Fairy Tale? Of course there are no wrong answers, but usually people don’t come up with exactly the intent I had for writing it. What does it say to you?

Don’t Not Die. LIVE!
In this interview with Dr. Bernie Sigel, author of at least 37 books (if you can believe that, just looked it up) including his seminal best-seller “Love, Medicine, and Miracles,” he elucidates the importance of love, connection, and meditation in surviving and healing life-threatening illness. Relevant in today’s world? Published in Meditation Magazine, Winter 1991 and written by my good friend and Meditation Magazine Art Director, Michwel Heril. Enjoy!

Ram Dass Reflections
Above is a link to a seminal interview with Ram Dass, one of the great explorers of consciousness and spiritual practice who made his transition December of 2019.
In this article, Ram Dass shares in detail, his hallucinogenic journeys, mystical experiences with his guru Maharaji, deep meditation, and his ultimate arrival as a spiritual servant. From Meditation Magazine in 1986.

The Unseen Power an Interview with Malidoma
I believe you are going to absolutely love this interview with African Shaman Malidoma Some, entitled “The Unseen Power” written by my friend Karen Orell (I helped a little) and published in Meditation Magazine the Summer of 1991 (one of my favorites ever). It is poignantly relevant to our current global situation as it powerfully elucidates the absolute essentiality of connection with nature, the unseen world, and shamanic healing. When I first met Malidoma, I felt like I was in the presence of the most powerful aura of love I had ever experienced–and I’ve been with many enlightened beings. It was so strong and palpable, it felt as though I couldn’t have had an angry thought in his presence even if I had tried. I trust you will enjoy this article and share it with your friends as well!

Men With No Arms
Man with No Arms
by William Aldridge is my absolute favorite short story of all time and published in Meditation Magazine in the Fall of 1986. I read it occasionally and still cry tears of joy every time read it even 34 years later. I trust you are enjoying our weekly postings of these timeless articles.

Meditation The Language of God, By Sri Chinmoy
Meditation: The Language of God
is a unique and instructive presentation on the subtleties of deep meditation by world renowned spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy, published in Meditation Magazine in the Summer of 1986. I trust you are enjoying our weekly postings of these timeless articles.

Love is Feeding Everyone Interview with Dennis Weaver
Love is Feeding Everyone
: An Interview with actor Dennis Weaver is one of my favorite interviews I conducted for Meditation Magazine. It offers a clear depiction of the relationship between deep spiritual practice and compassionate social action and is more relevant today than ever before as we are all being called to support one another. It was published in the Fall of 1986. I trust you are enjoying our weekly postings of these timeless articles

An interview with Shirley MacLaine The Act of Life, interview By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula & Lee Perry in 1989.

Quantum Healing Deepak Chopra, M.D., Interview by Deanna McKinstry
Check out this very insightful interview we did with Deepak Chopra on Quantum Healing back in 1992 in Meditation Magazine. One of my favorite quotes from the interview is “There is no physical world. It’s all projection. The whole thing is a quantum soup. Reality is pulling out from us rather than coming into us.”

Malcolm in Egypt A Short Story and back by Michwel Heril

The Western Head of the Sufi Order speaks on: Spiritual Unity, Spiritual Counselling and Life. Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula

The-Many-Roads-Home-by-Sri Swami Satchidananda, an Interview with Swami Satchidananda, By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula

David Spangler in the Moment an interview By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula
David Spangler has written and lectured widely on the topic of the “New Age,” its historical roots, its philosophical underpinnings, its strategies of social and planetary service, and its evolving theology. From 1970 to 1973, he served as a Co-Director and spokesperson for the Findhorn Foundation community in northern Scotland, recognized throughout the word for its visionary contribution to the New Age transformational Process. Enjoy!

David Viscott interviewed By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula
David Viscott…Live! His revolutionary short-term psychotherapy method is practiced at The Viscott Institute in Sherman Oaks California. He is the author of several best-selling and highly praised books, including “How to Live with Another Person,” The Language of Feelings,” “Risking,” and “The Making of a Psychiatrist,” which was a National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize nominee.

Beyond Mind By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula
Possibility the greatest challenge of meditation is to go beyond the realm of personal identification. How does one go beyond thought? There have been techniques developed throughout the ages to aid in quieting the mind.

Ancient Teaching for the Modern World by Dianna Hightower
“Ancient Teachings for the Modern World”–an interview with Shaman Chequeesh Auh-ho-oh, sharing her eleventh-hour teachings for spiritual activists in a hurry. This message is even more relevant now than when it was published in Fall, 1987.

Human Dignity An Inalienable Right! By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula

Harmonic Convergence 1987 John-Alexis Viereck

Organizational Life Purpose By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula

Face to face with cultural diversity An Interview with Clair Favro-Jimenez By Raymond Platt

Ken Keyes Jr. interview Implementing Unconditional love By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula

On purpose-manifesting from the heart By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula with Leavy

Leo Buscaglia…On Being Human Interviewed by Kathryn Lesoine

PEACE the Hopi Way An interview with Orlan Tewa

Soaring-with-the-Eagle An interview By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula

TaraSingh An interview By Rev. Dr. Patrick J. Harbula

TheFountainofLimitlessEnergy By AGRAHA LEVINE, M.D

A View from The Mount Word Servers for World Service By Rev. Patricia Bloomfield

The New Inquisition: An Interview by Robert Anton Wilson, Ph.D. Edited by Antero Alli

Vision Quest By Sedonia Cahill

For a complimentary life coaching session.

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Living Purpose Institute

2593 Young Avenue Thousand Oaks, CA 91360



Sage Publications is a world-renowned academic publisher that has grown from a 32-million dollar company to over 100 million in 15 years.

I fully believe that we could not have accomplished the success in our organizational goals that we have realized without the guidance and leadership from Patrick Harbula.

--Blaise SimquPresident, Sage Publications


--Blaise SimquPresident, Sage Publications

Sage Publications is a world-renowned academic publisher that has grown from a 32-million dollar company to over 100 million in 15 years. I fully believe that we could not have accomplished the success in our organizational goals that we have realized without the guidance and leadership from Patrick Harbula.
A valuable day of focus and encouragement. Since the LPI training, my position at the job I already loved has completely shifted to come into alignment with my clearer sense of purpose.

--Molly Rockey, Nationwide Director of Volunteer Services, ALS Foundation


--Molly Rockey, Nationwide Director of Volunteer Services, ALS Foundation

A valuable day of focus and encouragement. Since the LPI training, my position at the job I already loved has completely shifted to come into alignment with my clearer sense of purpose.
Learning that what was missing in my childhood is a gift that contributes to my life purpose, helped me identify how to change some of my patterns. I got my money's worth by lunchtime!

--Ted KalalReliability Engineer and Author of Improving Product Reliability


--Ted KalalReliability Engineer and Author of Improving Product Reliability

Learning that what was missing in my childhood is a gift that contributes to my life purpose, helped me identify how to change some of my patterns. I got my money's worth by lunchtime!
Patrick Harbula's appearance at our Center was a phenomenal success. It was the largest turnout and MOST PROFITABLE we have had for a workshop since I have been the minister here. We had standing room only for the Sunday service and 78 participants in the paid workshop. Patrick also dropped in and co-facilitated the class we were doing on his book The Magic of the Soul, and the students raved about the experience. Patrick's office secured a lot of publicity on their own including a national radio show that brought many new people to the center. Six months later people are still talking about their experiences with Patrick.


-- Reverend Patrick Cameron, Center for Spiritual Awareness, Edmonton


-- Reverend Patrick Cameron, Center for Spiritual Awareness, Edmonton

Patrick Harbula's appearance at our Center was a phenomenal success. It was the largest turnout and MOST PROFITABLE we have had for a workshop since I have been the minister here. We had standing room only for the Sunday service and 78 participants in the paid workshop. Patrick also dropped in and co-facilitated the class we were doing on his book The Magic of the Soul, and the students raved about the experience. Patrick's office secured a lot of publicity on their own including a national radio show that brought many new people to the center. Six months later people are still talking about their experiences with Patrick.  
We had Patrick Harbula at the Center for Spiritul Living Princeton, and my community loved him and his workshop. He spoke at my service, and he was warm and welcoming. His workshop later that day was extremely well attended and financially very profitable! In his workshop, he focused on one's Divine Purpose and gave wonderful tools for everyone to continue working on their purpose and goal-setting. Patrick is also VERY generous.

I am offering the former ICSL accredited course, Magic of the Soul, using Patrick's book and curriculum next term, and his workshop was a great kick-off for that class. I may have to add an additional class (for the first time) because the interest in that class is so strong. In short, I highly recommend Patrick to come to you, both as a speaker, workshop facilitator, and a wonderful colleague. He is a dear man and friend.

-- Rev. Dr. Karen Kushner, Senior Minister, Center for Spiritual Living Princeton


-- Rev. Dr. Karen Kushner, Senior Minister, Center for Spiritual Living Princeton

We had Patrick Harbula at the Center for Spiritul Living Princeton, and my community loved him and his workshop. He spoke at my service, and he was warm and welcoming. His workshop later that day was extremely well attended and financially very profitable! In his workshop, he focused on one's Divine Purpose and gave wonderful tools for everyone to continue working on their purpose and goal-setting. Patrick is also VERY generous. I am offering the former ICSL accredited course, Magic of the Soul, using Patrick's book and curriculum next term, and his workshop was a great kick-off for that class. I may have to add an additional class (for the first time) because the interest in that class is so strong. In short, I highly recommend Patrick to come to you, both as a speaker, workshop facilitator, and a wonderful colleague. He is a dear man and friend.
I was so excited when I first heard that Patrick Harbula had given his consent for ICSL to use The Magic of the Soul as part of our 200 series for Science of Mind classes. I found the curriculum well suited to bring out the best in a group. It is inspiring and fun for both teacher and students. My class particularly appreciated the guided exercises on the accompanying CD.

-- Dr. Candice Becket , Previous President Centers for Spiritual Living


-- Dr. Candice Becket , Previous President Centers for Spiritual Living

I was so excited when I first heard that Patrick Harbula had given his consent for ICSL to use The Magic of the Soul as part of our 200 series for Science of Mind classes. I found the curriculum well suited to bring out the best in a group. It is inspiring and fun for both teacher and students. My class particularly appreciated the guided exercises on the accompanying CD.
Patrick Harbula was a delight to have at our Center. A total professional but with the graces that go beyond the requirement. He created rapport with my congregation the moment he opened his mouth. His teaching was clear and my congregation responded beautifully to him, his workshop and his Sunday lesson. Great reviews did come from his workshop. Thank you Patrick for the work that you are doing. And to the field, inviting this man in to your Center is a great idea. Patarick has a beautiful consciousness and is a man of Principle and demonstration.

-- Michelle Wadleigh, Spiritual Director, Center for Spiritual Living North Jersey


-- Michelle Wadleigh, Spiritual Director, Center for Spiritual Living North Jersey

Patrick Harbula was a delight to have at our Center. A total professional but with the graces that go beyond the requirement. He created rapport with my congregation the moment he opened his mouth. His teaching was clear and my congregation responded beautifully to him, his workshop and his Sunday lesson. Great reviews did come from his workshop. Thank you Patrick for the work that you are doing. And to the field, inviting this man in to your Center is a great idea. Patarick has a beautiful consciousness and is a man of Principle and demonstration.
We had the Rev. Patrick Harbula at our Center last month for his workshop "Busting Loose From The Money Game". He did a NorthEast tour and taught at several Centers in the area. It was a great event. Patrick is clear, authentic, inspiring and open hearted. He brought something fresh and new and yet, deeply steeped in our teaching. I felt inspired by his presentation. I highly recommend him for an event at your centers.

-- Rev. Frankie Timmers, Senior Minister, Center for Spiritual Living Morristown


-- Rev. Frankie Timmers, Senior Minister, Center for Spiritual Living Morristown

We had the Rev. Patrick Harbula at our Center last month for his workshop "Busting Loose From The Money Game". He did a NorthEast tour and taught at several Centers in the area. It was a great event. Patrick is clear, authentic, inspiring and open hearted. He brought something fresh and new and yet, deeply steeped in our teaching. I felt inspired by his presentation. I highly recommend him for an event at your centers.
Patrick brings a unique energy to his presentations, workshops, and meditations, and I always receive the highest praise for from our misters, practitioners, and congregants. Patrick has a certain magnetism that inspires and draws people to receive the wisdom gained from his vast experience in metaphysical studies, the ministry, and corporate success. His Busting Loose from the Money Game class last year was the second largest class we had for the year at our Center. I heartily endorse him for any spiritual community looking to create a positive spiritual experience for its members.

-- Dr. Jim Lockard, Director Center for Spritual Living, Simi Valley and author of Sacred Thinking.


-- Dr. Jim Lockard, Director Center for Spritual Living, Simi Valley and author of Sacred Thinking.

Patrick brings a unique energy to his presentations, workshops, and meditations, and I always receive the highest praise for from our misters, practitioners, and congregants. Patrick has a certain magnetism that inspires and draws people to receive the wisdom gained from his vast experience in metaphysical studies, the ministry, and corporate success. His Busting Loose from the Money Game class last year was the second largest class we had for the year at our Center. I heartily endorse him for any spiritual community looking to create a positive spiritual experience for its members.
. . . . I have had the opportunity to see the benefits of his work when he has presented his seminars at OneSpirit Center for Conscious Living on several occasions. . . . Patrick has a rich background of training in New Thought, meditation, spiritual psychology, and corporate success. I consider him to be a selfless mystic who extends himself from his heart. By my observation, that’s Patrick’s strongest quality—he has the ability to open people’s hearts at a deep and most authentic level. His lectures are strongly based on New Thought principles and his workshops are a place where healings happen. I am honored to know Patrick, consider him a friend, and am especially pleased to be one of the facilitators in the Life Coaching Certification Program through his organization, The Living Purpose Institute.

-- Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones, Previously Director of the Simi Valley Center for Conscious Living and author of Speaking Religious Science, The Art of Being and The Art of Uncertainty.


-- Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones, Previously Director of the Simi Valley Center for Conscious Living and author of Speaking Religious Science, The Art of Being and The Art of Uncertainty.

. . . . I have had the opportunity to see the benefits of his work when he has presented his seminars at OneSpirit Center for Conscious Living on several occasions. . . . Patrick has a rich background of training in New Thought, meditation, spiritual psychology, and corporate success. I consider him to be a selfless mystic who extends himself from his heart. By my observation, that’s Patrick’s strongest quality—he has the ability to open people’s hearts at a deep and most authentic level. His lectures are strongly based on New Thought principles and his workshops are a place where healings happen. I am honored to know Patrick, consider him a friend, and am especially pleased to be one of the facilitators in the Life Coaching Certification Program through his organization, The Living Purpose Institute.
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