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“On purpose” manifesting from the heart

By Rev. Patrick J. Harbula with Leavy

I have two goals in wiring this article. One, to encourage people to look into the “Art of Personal Marketing” presented by Sandy Levey-Lunden of “On Purpose.”  Which, has helped to change my life as well as my entire perspective.  The second goal is to share with you the energy that is moving through this parricidal form. In presenting the information ahead I hope that you will go beyond the message the world the


With mixed feelings and the exasperation of a terrible morning that included missing my flight to San Francisco, I arrived at the workshop about two hours late. I later found that many others experienced similar difficulties leading up to the training (perhaps the manifestation of our unconscious resistance). The workshop started with an orientation Thursday, the evening before. Friday morning still evoked the usual beginning workshop atmosphere. Most of us, a little nervous, wondered exactly what we were in for. As pairs of individuals went up to the front to introduce the partners they had met the evening before, the group comradery and bonding began to develop. Another unique dynamic was occurring. While the workshop proceeded there were people on tables receiving various forms of body work. Sandy herself was on her back, semi-directing the intros and video taping while receiving massage.

After the intros were completed and Sandy began to talk at center stage, I wondered if my initial impressions of her would be confirmed. She had appeared to me as a self-assured, highly successful, somewhat demanding and potentially obnoxious business woman. This is a “box’ I imagine others might also put Sandy in. Later that day I learned from one of my many partners that, the night before, a number of people shared their feelings of discomfort with Sandy’s demeanor. They felt unloved, unacknowledged or treated like school children. Sandy had addressed the issue at the end of her introductory talk on Thursday by concluding with these words… “and those of you who don’t like me, don’t worry, you will.” Ultimately, she was right.

Off and on throughout the weekend, we talked about boxes. Boxes are the preconceived ideas we tend to create around people or experience around people or experiences in order to feel secure with our environment. If we are certain of our environment and put everyone in nice, neat little boxes, we don’t have to risk coming out of our own. We don’t have to risk the uncertainty of true intimacy that comes from the willingness to open to new possibilities and be in the moment, ready to learn and experience. “Be ye as little children?”

Purpose is the natural talent we give away for free.

As the meaning of the training became apparent, boxes showed themselves for what they really were and, in most cases, dissolved.


Boxes are created from our mental pictures. Mental pictures based on the past are generally limiting. Sandy says “in order to create our desired reality we must learn to manifest from our hearts. The power of our heart is unlimited? Sandy says, “This is what the workshop is really about, opening hearts.”

Sandy stresses the importance of taking “baby steps.” “When you take giant leaps it may be impressive and foster your ego to go for it, but you may take giant leaps backward and end up further back and more frightened. When you take a series of baby steps you don’t overwhelm yourself, push yourself or manipulate yourself. You go with the direct flow of who you are.”

Another essential in the art of manifesting is motivation. If we do not have a good reason for having the money and resources we want, we will never have them. Sandy shared a realization with the group. “I observed over the years many of the people I have worked with don’t have any reason to have money. They know that heaven is within! When I got that, I laughed and laughed for hours. And then I saw that if we have a reason to have this money, whatever the reason, we would have it. We would have to have a very good reason. To have a community to create another kind of reality.

If I said we’re going to have a training program and we are inviting the twenty most enlightened beings that God has sent to earth. The program will cost $20,000.00 and it begins in Spain in exactly four weeks, many people would gather that twenty thousand. They would take off from their jobs. They would sell their things if they had to. They would borrow the money, and they would be there. There isn’t the slightest doubt to me that we would fill the whole course, if everyone was sufficiently motivated to be present and had a good enough reason”.

I knew as Sandy spoke these words she meant them. The example was meant to point out how others can get money for what they want. The enlightenment for me was the ease with which Sandy could anticipate financial success. The model that Sandy provides as a person who can manifest anything she wants is one of the most powerful aspects of the training.

Why is it so easy for her? She believes in her service, its value for people and she creates it from the magical power of her heart. Purpose, Mission, Vision, Form:

There are four main points in the training that are directed toward opening to the power of the heart. We investigated purpose. What is your purpose in life? “Purpose is defined as that which we share naturally that contributes to the planet”. If you are unclear about purpose ask the question; “When I am most fulfilled, how am I contributing to the enrichment of my environment and those around me?’

Purpose is the natural talent that we freely give away. For example, A psychiatrist whose purpose is to heal emotional conflict talks to a friend about an emotional problem and the friend begins to feel a sense of healing. This psychiatrist is fulfilling her purpose. There is no money exchange necessary for the fulfillment to occur. People sometimes confuse purpose with form. Form, the structure built around purpose, enables exchange to take place. The same psychiatrist works in an office seeing six clients a day charging $80.00 per hour. She conducts all day seminars with about 15 people in each session charging $100.00 per per-son. She appears on television and radio shows as an outreach to the public. She advertises in the paper for local out-reach and MEDITATION magazine to attract New Age clients. This is an example of form. Logically, if we do not have a well-planned form, we limit our potential for success in career.

Many who are gifted in the area of spiritual awareness have a hard time charging fees for their talent. “People shouldn’t charge for spiritual teaching.” This is an example of confusing purpose with form. The fulfillment of purpose is always free. It is shared simply by being who we are. The form effectively created around it enables financial fulfillment.

Mission is based on the energy that propels toward the serving of purpose. It is associated with childhood experiences that were unfulfilled or painful. For example, if you experienced an intense lack of joy as a child, your purpose may develop as creating joy in the world; your mission may be to make people laugh and perhaps your form could be to entertain as a comedian.

The pain of childhood contains the key to fulfillment of purpose.

Many in the self-help movement are attempting to get over their pain of childhood trauma in order to get on with their life’s purposes. The interesting and empowering dynamic that this system creates in contrast to such a philosophy is that the pain of childhood contains the very energy that is the key to fulfillment of purpose and is the motivation toward mission. This course confirmed something I have suspected for a long time. We need not get rid of pain, but embrace it, harness it and utilize it.

In the scenario of the comedian, an appropriate vision could be a world where people express joy openly. Vision is the ideal toward which purpose moves. Focusing on vision can greatly facilitate clarification and actualization of purpose and form. Such focus invokes the potential of the higher self, which is the custodian of that vision.

Widening the channel:

As the weekend continued to focus attention on these principles, people began to get uneasy. A good deal of time was spent sharing feelings about what we were experiencing. It seemed that everyone’s most basic emotional issues began to rise to the surface. Sandy stated, “This is not what the training is about. It’s about purpose, but we have to deal with these issues in order to get to what it is really about!”

Fulfillment of purpose is perhaps the most basic issue beyond the meeting of survival needs. It is definitely right up there with need for relationship and being loved. It therefore brings up all those issues that keep us from experiencing fulfillment.

I have never experienced an atmosphere so conducive to dealing with emotional issues as this training. I am not even totally sure what created the atmosphere. Part of it, I am certain, was Sandy’s ability and willingness to handle seemingly any issue, even those directed at her (and there were plenty), and her honoring of her own feelings. There was one woman who had a personal grievance with Sandy. She told Sandy “I feel your heart is closed to me.” Sandy replied, “You scare the hell out of me. I am too afraid to open my heart to someone with so much anger toward me.” Perhaps the level of honesty, encouraged and displayed, facilitated the release of emotional energy.

At one point I shared at the front of the group my jealousy toward Sandy because of her self-assuredness and her masterful ability to manifest her dreams. She looked at me quite seriously and said, “My personality is very shy.” Most of the group laughed in disbelief. I gestured as if I was going to fall out of my chair. She then asked the group. “Those who know me raise your hand if you know that my personality is really shy?” There was an immediate response of confirmation from those in the training who had been with her for months or years. She proceeded to explain, “What I am here to do is to go beyond my personality, beyond the pain I have suffered as a child and in other lifetimes. I am very clear that I have suffered as much as any person in this room and more than most of you, and I don’t care right now. It’s important that our commitment is to channel forth what we are here to do, and that we are willing to let go of whatever we came with. My mother taught me something very recently. I was with her and my daughter Charisma. Charisma was doing something that was challenging my patience and my mother just burst into tears. She said, Do you see how devoted you are to that kid? Do you see what you would be willing to do for her? You would do anything! Do you know that’s the way I was with you? And you made it up at every moment that I wasn’t doing it right. Every chance that you could get. I want you to be real clear that I went all the way. I did the very best job that I could.

At that moment, I took responsibility for creating the entire story, for sourcing all my experiences to teach me what I had to know. This training is not about personality. It’s getting in touch with what you have come here to do that will release the pain. Source from all your sources. Go where you need to go.

I spent twenty thousand dollars on primal therapy. I talked it over and over and over until I was blue in the face. It didn’t move. Thousands of dollars went out of my pocket! I worked just to make the money to clear it. One day I just woke up and said, There’s got to be more than this. What have I been searching for all my life. There’s got to be some reason for being here! There’s got to be some reason they sent me! – That must be my purpose. If I knew what it was maybe I could let go of this pain. That’s when it dawned on me; it’s been there all my life; it’s to manifest people’s dreams. I’m here to source those dreams and get them real in the world. I can do that. It’s something I love. It’s something that’s me. I’m not going to spend time anymore in bed with the covers over my head because I didn’t get X, Y and Z.

My personality does not teach this training. Many times it has overwhelmed me and caused incredible pain in me. Some of you who think you know what I am like may not actually know. You’ve seen a little of my personality.” At another point in the training Sandy said “I am not teaching this training. It is moving through me.” This is what I experienced as widening the channel or allowing for a greater flow of energy to move through the personality.

Below the surface:

I received the most benefit from this part of the workshop, not merely emotional release, the group support and networking opportunities, but the energy that I experienced working below the surface. As skilled as Sandy was in every aspect of the training, it was her ability to step aside or widen her channel that let the transpersonal group energy flow, direct and empower the experience she offered through the training.

As people began releasing their blocks and touching the power within their dreams, hearts began to open. It became a group consciousness infused with the most dynamic heart energy I had ever experienced. I concluded that such a phenomenon could not have been created merely by the mechanics of the course or the willingness of the participants for it to happen. It was these elements combined with a force greater than all of us that was allowed to manifest. Even as I write this article I feel the magic of the energy alive in me. Do you feel it in yourself? It is the magic of your heart.


In addition to all I have shared thus far, the course does actually go into practical techniques for personal marketing. Included are Networking, Enrollment, Rapport, the Art of Telephone Enrollment and Public Speaking.

There are many useful tips presented on how to network successfully, one of the greatest tools in manifesting dreams. Just a few examples : “1. Locate and research ten groups who might benefit from your product, service or ideas. 2. Meet as many people as you can. Successful people network everywhere, all the time. 3. Remember that other’s success is your success.”

All of the techniques used are taught in a way that strays from the all too often manipulative motives found in many marketing systems. For example, enrollment does not mean getting people to buy your product. According to the Art of Personal Marketing, effective enrollment requires non-attachment. Enrollment is most effective when the enroller is simply sharing enthusiasm about his or her product or service. The motivating factor becomes the resonance of heart energy shared by enroller and enrollee.

The graduation exercise consists of individuals taking three minutes to market themselves and enroll the class in their product, service or idea. Those of us who were able to come from their hearts (which included everyone to some extent) succeeded in getting actual enrollment from individuals willing to support their missions.


There were many transformational experiences for the participants of the training. Rather than cite a variety of them, I would like to share with you the most inspiring to me. One of the participants was a very pleasant girl of about 19 whose parents had sent her to the training because she had difficulty dealing with the world. She said she felt uncomfortable just going out into the world When she would share with the group it was apparent through her body language and her words that she bad very little self-confidence.

She struggled through the weekend, appearing to feel out of her league taking in a training focused on purpose when she was not even sure who she was. This struggle seemed to persist apparently up until a few moments before her final presentation. This shy timid girl then stood before the group. Her stance was tall and proud. She proceeded to tell the group of the vision she had just moments before about starting a family vacation resort. She projected herself with poise and confidence. The entire group jumped to its feet giving her a roaring standing ovation. This transformed woman, who hours before would have shied from such admiration (as would many of us,) stood there beaming, accepting her praise with the grace of a master thespian.

More than a learning experience:

The art of Personal Marketing not only trains individuals in discovering and actualizing purpose, it is a networking organization. People who have completed the weekend training are invited to return and support the program with their particular talents, and in turn market themselves. The most dramatic example is the formation of L’Ecole Paix, the International Peace School that has a facility in the U.S. and in Sweden. It was developed by Rochele Folef out of a dream that came through the Art of Personal Marketing. The school is founded on a Montessori-based method to foster peace for children between the ages of three to six. One hundred and eighty thousand dollars was donated by graduates of the training to help manifest the dream.

My experience:

The training was filled with many who were already successful in their careers, at least from my perspective. There seemed to be a consensus in most that they were unclear about their true purpose. Coming into the training, I felt as though I were the opposite of most people there. Near the beginning I shared that I was very certain of my purpose, mission, vision and form. My issue was a deep seated feeling that I didn’t deserve personal fulfillment from my service.

When I stood up at the end to enroll the group in my product, I didn’t succeed in coming from my heart. I felt that I had failed. The feeling of my heart opening turned to one of emptiness and despair. I wondered why I didn’t believe strongly enough in my service. I began to question whether or not I was in the right business. My ego was wiped out. I felt as though I had to completely start over in my search for identity. I shared this with the group. Sandy said “You didn’t get your love out.” As one of the last exercises of the weekend, Sandy had me stand up in front of the group and send love. I felt the support of everyone in the room. I left still feeling lost, but I was 0.K about being lost. I was willing to start over and reestablish my identity. So as everyone else left clearer about their purpose. I had no idea of my own, an interesting predicament for someone intending to write an article about this process.

In the days to come I began to realize that over the years I had lost touch to some degree with the value of my service. I had become so preoccupied with making a success out of the business, I didn’t feel the value that people actually get as a result of my efforts. Through this awareness, I began to understand my purpose and its value far greater than ever before.

The day after I came back from San Francisco, events started to occur that greatly enhanced my ability to fulfill my goals and purpose. Since then I have experienced new levels of success in many areas of my life. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of the participants in my training for their support, especially to Julia for her inspiration and courage.

I hope this presentation has conveyed the essence of the Art of Personal Marketing. I hope that through it you have been able to touch the empowering energy that lies at the core of this training. And I hope you realize that although Sandy Levers training, On Purpose, is a rare and valuable tool the real story of this article is the magic of you. The power Sandy shares through her service is the same power contained in the dream within your heart. Now is as good a time as any to touch that power. Trust it. Live it. “Source all of your sources and go where you need to go.”

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Sage Publications is a world-renowned academic publisher that has grown from a 32-million dollar company to over 100 million in 15 years.

I fully believe that we could not have accomplished the success in our organizational goals that we have realized without the guidance and leadership from Patrick Harbula.

--Blaise SimquPresident, Sage Publications


--Blaise SimquPresident, Sage Publications

Sage Publications is a world-renowned academic publisher that has grown from a 32-million dollar company to over 100 million in 15 years. I fully believe that we could not have accomplished the success in our organizational goals that we have realized without the guidance and leadership from Patrick Harbula.
A valuable day of focus and encouragement. Since the LPI training, my position at the job I already loved has completely shifted to come into alignment with my clearer sense of purpose.

--Molly Rockey, Nationwide Director of Volunteer Services, ALS Foundation


--Molly Rockey, Nationwide Director of Volunteer Services, ALS Foundation

A valuable day of focus and encouragement. Since the LPI training, my position at the job I already loved has completely shifted to come into alignment with my clearer sense of purpose.
Learning that what was missing in my childhood is a gift that contributes to my life purpose, helped me identify how to change some of my patterns. I got my money's worth by lunchtime!

--Ted KalalReliability Engineer and Author of Improving Product Reliability


--Ted KalalReliability Engineer and Author of Improving Product Reliability

Learning that what was missing in my childhood is a gift that contributes to my life purpose, helped me identify how to change some of my patterns. I got my money's worth by lunchtime!
Patrick Harbula's appearance at our Center was a phenomenal success. It was the largest turnout and MOST PROFITABLE we have had for a workshop since I have been the minister here. We had standing room only for the Sunday service and 78 participants in the paid workshop. Patrick also dropped in and co-facilitated the class we were doing on his book The Magic of the Soul, and the students raved about the experience. Patrick's office secured a lot of publicity on their own including a national radio show that brought many new people to the center. Six months later people are still talking about their experiences with Patrick.


-- Reverend Patrick Cameron, Center for Spiritual Awareness, Edmonton


-- Reverend Patrick Cameron, Center for Spiritual Awareness, Edmonton

Patrick Harbula's appearance at our Center was a phenomenal success. It was the largest turnout and MOST PROFITABLE we have had for a workshop since I have been the minister here. We had standing room only for the Sunday service and 78 participants in the paid workshop. Patrick also dropped in and co-facilitated the class we were doing on his book The Magic of the Soul, and the students raved about the experience. Patrick's office secured a lot of publicity on their own including a national radio show that brought many new people to the center. Six months later people are still talking about their experiences with Patrick.  
We had Patrick Harbula at the Center for Spiritul Living Princeton, and my community loved him and his workshop. He spoke at my service, and he was warm and welcoming. His workshop later that day was extremely well attended and financially very profitable! In his workshop, he focused on one's Divine Purpose and gave wonderful tools for everyone to continue working on their purpose and goal-setting. Patrick is also VERY generous.

I am offering the former ICSL accredited course, Magic of the Soul, using Patrick's book and curriculum next term, and his workshop was a great kick-off for that class. I may have to add an additional class (for the first time) because the interest in that class is so strong. In short, I highly recommend Patrick to come to you, both as a speaker, workshop facilitator, and a wonderful colleague. He is a dear man and friend.

-- Rev. Dr. Karen Kushner, Senior Minister, Center for Spiritual Living Princeton


-- Rev. Dr. Karen Kushner, Senior Minister, Center for Spiritual Living Princeton

We had Patrick Harbula at the Center for Spiritul Living Princeton, and my community loved him and his workshop. He spoke at my service, and he was warm and welcoming. His workshop later that day was extremely well attended and financially very profitable! In his workshop, he focused on one's Divine Purpose and gave wonderful tools for everyone to continue working on their purpose and goal-setting. Patrick is also VERY generous. I am offering the former ICSL accredited course, Magic of the Soul, using Patrick's book and curriculum next term, and his workshop was a great kick-off for that class. I may have to add an additional class (for the first time) because the interest in that class is so strong. In short, I highly recommend Patrick to come to you, both as a speaker, workshop facilitator, and a wonderful colleague. He is a dear man and friend.
I was so excited when I first heard that Patrick Harbula had given his consent for ICSL to use The Magic of the Soul as part of our 200 series for Science of Mind classes. I found the curriculum well suited to bring out the best in a group. It is inspiring and fun for both teacher and students. My class particularly appreciated the guided exercises on the accompanying CD.

-- Dr. Candice Becket , Previous President Centers for Spiritual Living


-- Dr. Candice Becket , Previous President Centers for Spiritual Living

I was so excited when I first heard that Patrick Harbula had given his consent for ICSL to use The Magic of the Soul as part of our 200 series for Science of Mind classes. I found the curriculum well suited to bring out the best in a group. It is inspiring and fun for both teacher and students. My class particularly appreciated the guided exercises on the accompanying CD.
Patrick Harbula was a delight to have at our Center. A total professional but with the graces that go beyond the requirement. He created rapport with my congregation the moment he opened his mouth. His teaching was clear and my congregation responded beautifully to him, his workshop and his Sunday lesson. Great reviews did come from his workshop. Thank you Patrick for the work that you are doing. And to the field, inviting this man in to your Center is a great idea. Patarick has a beautiful consciousness and is a man of Principle and demonstration.

-- Michelle Wadleigh, Spiritual Director, Center for Spiritual Living North Jersey


-- Michelle Wadleigh, Spiritual Director, Center for Spiritual Living North Jersey

Patrick Harbula was a delight to have at our Center. A total professional but with the graces that go beyond the requirement. He created rapport with my congregation the moment he opened his mouth. His teaching was clear and my congregation responded beautifully to him, his workshop and his Sunday lesson. Great reviews did come from his workshop. Thank you Patrick for the work that you are doing. And to the field, inviting this man in to your Center is a great idea. Patarick has a beautiful consciousness and is a man of Principle and demonstration.
We had the Rev. Patrick Harbula at our Center last month for his workshop "Busting Loose From The Money Game". He did a NorthEast tour and taught at several Centers in the area. It was a great event. Patrick is clear, authentic, inspiring and open hearted. He brought something fresh and new and yet, deeply steeped in our teaching. I felt inspired by his presentation. I highly recommend him for an event at your centers.

-- Rev. Frankie Timmers, Senior Minister, Center for Spiritual Living Morristown


-- Rev. Frankie Timmers, Senior Minister, Center for Spiritual Living Morristown

We had the Rev. Patrick Harbula at our Center last month for his workshop "Busting Loose From The Money Game". He did a NorthEast tour and taught at several Centers in the area. It was a great event. Patrick is clear, authentic, inspiring and open hearted. He brought something fresh and new and yet, deeply steeped in our teaching. I felt inspired by his presentation. I highly recommend him for an event at your centers.
Patrick brings a unique energy to his presentations, workshops, and meditations, and I always receive the highest praise for from our misters, practitioners, and congregants. Patrick has a certain magnetism that inspires and draws people to receive the wisdom gained from his vast experience in metaphysical studies, the ministry, and corporate success. His Busting Loose from the Money Game class last year was the second largest class we had for the year at our Center. I heartily endorse him for any spiritual community looking to create a positive spiritual experience for its members.

-- Dr. Jim Lockard, Director Center for Spritual Living, Simi Valley and author of Sacred Thinking.


-- Dr. Jim Lockard, Director Center for Spritual Living, Simi Valley and author of Sacred Thinking.

Patrick brings a unique energy to his presentations, workshops, and meditations, and I always receive the highest praise for from our misters, practitioners, and congregants. Patrick has a certain magnetism that inspires and draws people to receive the wisdom gained from his vast experience in metaphysical studies, the ministry, and corporate success. His Busting Loose from the Money Game class last year was the second largest class we had for the year at our Center. I heartily endorse him for any spiritual community looking to create a positive spiritual experience for its members.
. . . . I have had the opportunity to see the benefits of his work when he has presented his seminars at OneSpirit Center for Conscious Living on several occasions. . . . Patrick has a rich background of training in New Thought, meditation, spiritual psychology, and corporate success. I consider him to be a selfless mystic who extends himself from his heart. By my observation, that’s Patrick’s strongest quality—he has the ability to open people’s hearts at a deep and most authentic level. His lectures are strongly based on New Thought principles and his workshops are a place where healings happen. I am honored to know Patrick, consider him a friend, and am especially pleased to be one of the facilitators in the Life Coaching Certification Program through his organization, The Living Purpose Institute.

-- Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones, Previously Director of the Simi Valley Center for Conscious Living and author of Speaking Religious Science, The Art of Being and The Art of Uncertainty.


-- Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones, Previously Director of the Simi Valley Center for Conscious Living and author of Speaking Religious Science, The Art of Being and The Art of Uncertainty.

. . . . I have had the opportunity to see the benefits of his work when he has presented his seminars at OneSpirit Center for Conscious Living on several occasions. . . . Patrick has a rich background of training in New Thought, meditation, spiritual psychology, and corporate success. I consider him to be a selfless mystic who extends himself from his heart. By my observation, that’s Patrick’s strongest quality—he has the ability to open people’s hearts at a deep and most authentic level. His lectures are strongly based on New Thought principles and his workshops are a place where healings happen. I am honored to know Patrick, consider him a friend, and am especially pleased to be one of the facilitators in the Life Coaching Certification Program through his organization, The Living Purpose Institute.
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