Magic of the Soul Curriculum
The Magic of the Soul:
Applying Spiritual Power to Daily Living
By Reverend Patrick J. Harbula

Teaching Manual and Student Workbook
By Reverend Patrick J. Harbula
“Patrick is a selfless myslic~he extends himself to us from his heart, using his own life experience as a guide from which we all have much to learn.”
—Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones, Author of The Art of Being.
“I was so excited when I first heard that Patrick Harbula had given his consent for RSI to use The Magic of the Soul as part of our 200 series for Science of Mind™ classes. Having read the book, I knew it would be a great fit. Having now taught the unit myself, I found the curriculum well-suited to bring out the best in a group. It is inspiring and fun for both teachers and students. My class particularly appreciated the guided exercises on the accompanying CD. Many have commented on continuing to use the book and CD after the conclusion of the class. I am sure this is a unit that will be repeated many times at our center.”
—Dr. Candice Becket, President Religious Science International
“I was ecstatic when I found out that there was a curriculum for The Magic of the Soul: Applying Spiritual Power to Daily Living, because it is a book that has profoundly changed my life. My appreciation was heightened when I taught it at our Center as it deepened my practice of the teaching The students were absolutely thrilled with the class and many had life-changing experiences. The curriculum made it easy to present the class and the interactive exercises and accompanying CD enhanced the integration of this powerful leaching.”
—Reverend Marc Laponce, North Hollywood Church of Religious Science
“We are honored to have been one of the beta testers for The Magic of the Soul curriculum. This course has the ability to truly transform lives at the deepest level. The emphasis on opening the heart, emotional healing, and meditation, adds needed tools to our wonderful Science of Mind™ Curriculum. The CD that accompanies the book is also invaluable in helping students to fully integrate the material ”
—Reverend Mary Speer, Foothill center for Religious Science. Pasadena
Patrick is also available for Sunday Service and Workshops
“Patrick Harbula’s appearance at our Center was a phenomenal success it was the largest turnout and MOST PROFITABLE we have had for a workshop since I have been the minister here. We had standing room only for the Sunday service and 78 participants in the paid workshop. Patrick also dropped in and со-facilitated the class we were doing on his book The Magic of the Soul, and the students raved about the experience. Patrick’s office secured a lot of publicity on their own including a national radio show that brought many new people to the Center. Six months later people are still talking about their experiences with Patrick.”
—Reverend Patrick Cameron, Center for Spiritual Awareness, Edmonton
Patrick Harbula has been a leader and teacher in the human potential movement, meditation trainer, and life coach for over 30 years. He is the author of the acclaimed book. The Magic of the Soul: Applying Spiritual Power to Daily Living and continues to reach hundreds of thousands with his empowering message of living one’s passion through applying life purpose. He appears regularly on radio and TV around the nation and in Canada including Good Morning America, Inside Edition, ABC, NBC. and UPN news to name a few.
He was ordained in 1985 by the late Dr. Earl Barnum, founder of the Redondo Beach Church of Religious Science. He also trained under the late Dr. Vivian King in Spiritual Psychology. He is the founding publisher of Meditation Magazine, and served as Corporate Director for Sage Publications a world-renowned academic publisher. He currently serves as president of the Spiritual Unity Movement in Southern California.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Combining the integrative principles and techniques from spiritual psychology with the power of Science of Mind. The Magic of the Soul offers a dynamic training opportunity for students. It answers questions like, “Why haven’t I completely healed, even though I have been using spiritual mind treatment for years? How do we deal with fear that comes up before and after treatments? How can we embrace our shadow while affirming our divinity?”
The Magic of the Soul asks students to affirm and experience their inner divinity and. at the same, time honor their humanness and appreciate the beauty of who they are in the here and now. on their path to higher and higher expressions of divine nature. The most common theme throughout the text is “radical gratitude-“—to look for the magic, the opportunity for growth, and the sacredness in every situation in life; especially the challenging ones.
REQUIRED TEXTS: The Magic of the Soul by Patrick J. Harbula
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