Primal Fire Spiritual Awakening Retreat
Camping at huge private Meadow Group Campground in Angeles Forrest
Friday May 23rd through
Monday May 26, 2025
Arrive at Meadow Group Campground at 2 p.m. Friday
Closing Ceremony ends at 4:00 on Monday (you can stay an extra night if you like)
Facilitated by Elder Dr. Patrick J. Harbula–Ninaa Makoyi,
author of The Magic of the Soul, & Meditation:
The Simple and Practical Way &
Director of the Living Purpose Institute
& Elder Corina Villeda-Harbula–Falcon That Flies High,
Chief Operations Officer Living Purpose Institute
For a beautiful printable flyer click here:
Hearts will be opened in unimaginable ways!
- Leave your societal roles and limiting beliefs far behind!
- Embrace the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine in women and men circles.
- Purify through the ceremonial sweat lodge.
- Empower your visions through Sacred Cacao Ceremony
- Get out of your head and into your body to reconnect with Mother Earth and awaken
to your most primal, sacred Self!
Amazing Pricing!
$700 includes camping fees.
$600 early bird discount if reserved by March 1, 2025.
Four-legged friends are free, so bring your pups.
Bring your own food to cook over the fire.
Registration fee is non-refundable
Venmo: @Patrick-Harbula
Zelle: 805-469-9847
Credit Card: Call the number above to reserve by credit card
Check: Living Purpose Institute 2593 Young Ave. Thousand Oaks CA, 91360
Space is limited, call now to reserve
The most ecstatic, empowering weekend of your life!!!
See more photos and testimonials below
To register by phone or for more info, call 805 469-9847
Also available for organizational team-building retreats at various locations (call for details)
Imagine sitting around an open fire beneath a blanket of stars at the beginning of the weekend with no one else around for miles except the select group of spiritual warriors who have come to reclaim their sacred power. Imagine waking up to the sunrise the next morning and spending that day forging through initiations designed to burn away social conditioning and perceived limitations. Imagine that evening crawling into the sacred sweat lodge to travel to the deepest regions of soul and purge all that stands in the way of the essential self. Imagine walking away from the sacred initiation at the end of the weekend reborn, filled with vitality, and grounded in the experience of your deepest, truest, primal self with the most incredible bonding of community you have ever experienced!

First circle with one empty space for our love ones.

Robin loving the experience!

Elissa trusting.


Pure Joy!

Friends forever!

Patrick (2) 18 years old. He opened up and stole everyones heart!


The surrender!

Feeling Supported!


Preparing the land for the Sweat Lodge


Sweat lodge

The Fire!

Gary, loving himself.

Coming into your self!


Sweet surrender

Sweat Lodge Master

Our fearless Leader

Wild Hair Woman!

So cool.

Deena, the warrior Dancer!

Selena our Warrior!

Catalina 4/17, The Circle

The bonding.

Our Campsite

The Sweetness!


Flo Bear


The vistas from our home in Catalina

Flying high



The Laughter


The Love!

The Lodge

Meal Time
Primal Fire Canada 2017
Sherwood Park Primal Fire 2013
The Group
Family Bonding
The Fire
The Support
The Breakthroughs
You said trust . . . Really?
The Surrender
The Freedom
The Sacredness
The Loving
More Love
The Breaking Through
For more Sherwood Park 2013 Photos CLICK HERE
Humboldt (Saskatchewan) Canada 07/2011
The Freedom
The Discovery
The Nurturing
The Ecstasy
The Connections
The Tenderness
The Sweat Lodge Fire
The Community
The Laughter
Catalina Island 10/2/05
The Circle
The Ecstasy
The Bonding
The Friendship
Check out those sexy pjs
You are truly loved!
Angeles Forrest 5/06–The Circle
The shiner and the one who gave it to her!
The Sharing
The insight and the honoring
Humboldt (Saskatchewan) Canada 09/2010
Kelly Painter
The Circle
The Soaring
Melva Armstrong
The Holding
Lighting the fire that heats the rocks that fire up the sweat lodge
The horse play (Equine Assisted Learning)
Valerie Red Wolf
Eleanor Harbula
The guidance
Jean-Guy Leblanc
The friendship
For more Saskatchewan 2010 Primal Fire Photos CLICK HERE
Matilija Hot Springs Ojai, CA 05/07
The circle
The Nurturing
The Laughter
The Dance
Bathing in the Light
Let it All Go
The Hot Springs
The Thrills
The Abandon
The Ceremony
The Fire
For all ages!
The Authenticity
The Drumming
The Sacredness
Humboldt (Saskatchewan) Canada 07/2009
The Ecstasy
The Power
Kate O’Riley
The Circle
The Letting Go
The Freedom
Jean-Guy Leblanc
C’mon Really? You want me to trust what?
The Nurturing
Kelly Painter
The Sweetness
The Movement
Don Shine
Everyone is getting into the act!
Check out that sky!
I’m going to take a picture of Sugar eating that hat!
Hey look at me guys, I ate a hat today!
The Competition
The Intimacy
What are you people doing?
The Bonding
The Drumming
The Love
Bobbi Preseski
Valerie Red Wolf
The Triumph
For more Saskatchewan 2009 Primal Fire Photos CLICK HERE
Humboldt (Saskatoon) Canada 09/2008
The Primal Fire was all I hoped it would be, and more. My first morning back . . . I walked around my beautiful acreage crying and laughing. A giant step on my journey to self-discovery and love. I am deeply grateful to all of you. What a Blessing being together with such a compassionate group of loving people, horses, dogs and land.
The late and loving Lorraine Boucher
The Circle
Building of the sweat lodge
The Horsing around
We’re all number 1
The Trust
The holding
Dancing with horses
The tenderness
Joyce Ollszewski
Let’s shake it up again
The Lodge
The fire that heats the rocks that heat the lodge
The fire runner that tends the fire that heats the. . .
The honoring
Drumming around the fire
Tell me what you need
Jean-Guy LeBlanc
The double rainbow that prepared the space
All I can say is WOW!
For more Saskatchewan 2008 Primal Fire Photos CLICK HERE
Humboldt (Saskatoon) Canada 09/2007
Thank You to Our Equine Guides
The Circle
The Bliss
It’s Starting to Heat Up
Thank You for Volunteering to be the Human Sacrifice
Just Kidding
Dancing Eagle
The Love and Intimacy
The Lodge
The Connection
The Hugs
Did you just paint me? And you say it is a way of honoring me? What . . . ever! I Appreciate the Sentiment, Though!
Shaking it Up!
The Deepening of Friendship
Why are We Smiling Again? Oh Yeah. Just Because.
Try Bending Your Right Knee Like This.
No, Really–These Horses Know Exactly What is Going On.
The Fellowship Around the Fire
The Dance
3 Hours After the Closing No One wants to Leave
Everyone’s In Love at the Primal Fire
For more Saskatchewan 2007 Primal Fire Photos CLICK HERE
Come and rediscover YOUR primal fire!!!
Words cannot express the feelings I have about this weekend – I truly feel as if my life will never be the same . . .
After years of being alone, I have met my soulmate at the Primal Fire. I am so grateful and blessed.
The soulful experience of our weekend is generating such positive energy into my soul. Despite my immediate return to work and obligatory tasks, I am integrating the lessons from our primal fire experience into the “everydayness” of my life. I am blessed to have spent such quality time with all of you. I embrace the unknown……… and welcome what is to come…….. I am in the moment.
Patrick is an enlightened facilitator. He drew us together in such a strong bond of community.
After getting in touch with my primal energy this weekend, I had the best sex with my husband in a long, long time. I rediscovered my primal sexuality.
The exercises were phenomenal and the permission to be just who I am was just what I needed. I connected with my mother in a way I never had before.
I have always had challenges being around people. The Primal Fire allowed me to be in community in a way I have never experienced.
I want to thank all of you for creating a Sacred, safe space that opened the door to a very deep healing for me. I didn’t have any expectations and my intention was to just get away from the city and relax. I told myself I wouldn’t participate too much and I’m glad I didn’t follow it.
I am very, very grateful for the idea to have a partner to continue processing our feelings for the next month. [Please see the poem below.]
The experience was something I could never imagine. I had gone without knowing what I wanted, except to experience an adventure and create peace and joy in my life. What I got was being reconnected with fears, frustrations. I really saw how controlled I am in life and got to experience how to let go of control. I could actually see the stress involved in how I have been living. I got to experience peace in just being with people and being open in ways that I have never thought possible. In the sweat lodge I got to the most vulnerable place possible, and as a result, I received peace in the moment. I experienced the life I want to live in that moment–the life I was trying to figure out in my head was there all along. The freedom and safety that I experienced is something that I now carry with me and that I write down daily. I got to see courage first hand in all of my group friends. I did not want to even leave the mountains. I actually felt the experience that I have read about in books of being one with Earth. Things that I studied and later lost all came together in the experience with the group. I encourage anyone to go and be in the space of experiencing and being in their heart.
For me, my experience was being given the gift enabling my presence there with Patrick, Corina and the rest of the PF group! You never cease to amaze and bless me. This group was unique, loving, supporting, and caring, as they provided the space for me/us to experience just what was ready to come up and take a good look at. The safety and aliveness that I felt to just “be” the exposed, non-conforming, late person that I was, was so valuable to me and provided me the opportunity to dig even a little deeper in my quest for self discovery and enlightenment. Thanks for not letting me cover the “garbage” with cream and a cherry! And as my intention was for clarity about relationship, the sexual “serenade” in the nearby tent allowed me to see how open and ready I am for the tenderness of loving to come into my life. It’s been a long time since I fell asleep with a smile on my face!
To all my PF buddies, I send you big hugs and continued support for all your good intentions!!!
Yes, DO keep in the new exercise, the Primal Grope! It provided a great space for the healing tinkle of good, clean laughter!
I never would have believed that a trust fall would be so “enlightening.” When I got up on the rock and faced the hills, saying what it was that I wanted to release, and then fell backwards; it did not “hit” me until I was in their arms that I felt a joy that I just don’t normally experience. It was like for a moment all negative feelings were gone, I and the source were one.
I am feeling so empowered and, of course, healed. Putting up and taking down a tent (of course, with my tent mate, Opal), falling off a rock into loving arms, and just enjoying the outdoors with like-minded people–what an experience! I also was willing to face a great fear in the sweat lodge which was really enlightening. Thanks to all of you who shared and thanks Patrick for leading this magnificent group of people. I’m looking forward to the one in April. Sign me up, Patrick!
As I was driving home from the primal fire and looking at the scenery, I was totally present in the here and now and realized I would never look at the world the same again.
I had never experienced a sweatlodge before and it was awesome! I have never felt this much like a family with a group of people who I didn’t know.
I have long felt like I don’t belong and now I do. I belong to this group and I belong to my own primal fire.
I am on medication that keeps my libido in check, but after the primal fire, I got my mojo back.
POEM FALLING Primal Fire 2006
Written by “Jaguar Speaker”
I am FALLING into the abyss of “I DON’T” KNOW”
I feel the fear shaking my whole body
I hear words of encouragement:
Doubt comes in and I wonder if I could really trust
When I don’t even KNOW where I’m going…
I stumble and now I’m even more afraid
I CENTER myself and choose to trust my friends,
I let myself go… Will they catch me?
It is only an instant and I am totally SUPPORTED!
My body is cradled in the strong arms of my friends:
I feel SAFE, loved, cared for,
I hear a sweet melody that sounds like angel’s whispers
I am going HOME again.
My heart opens wide, trusting completely!
Yes! I have arrived home safely!
I OPEN my eyes and see the clear skies.
I SCREAM with all my power to the heavens,
This is your child Alicia “Jaguar Speaker”
I am ALIVE and FREE!
I accept my REBIRTH!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
May 22, 2006
You will be amazed at how quickly Patrick or one of the Living Purpose Institute’s Certified Life Purpose Coaches will help you clarify your life purpose, provide direction toward ideal career and vocational ecstasy, and raise the quality of every area of life.
For a complimentary life coaching session.
Call: 805-469-9847
Living Purpose Institute
2593 Young Avenue Thousand Oaks, CA 91360